

Link to general aw youth spreadsheet (both YW and YM use this one)

Activities Ideas/Compartments:

Service (justserve, homeless needs, cradles to crayons, Afghan family, bishop’s storehouse, interfaith garden, etc.) - HS kids need 40 hrs to graduate

Enrichment/life appreciation (museums/art galleries, music programs, observatory, outdoor stuff, 

Skill building (life skills (e.g. changing a tire, budgeting, cooking), creative skills (e.g. painting class), technology skills (e.g. movie making), outdoor skills (e.g. primitive shelter building)

Fun (the joy of being together- games/talent show/movie night/karaoke/ etc.)

Education (Discussions, panels, experts, etc.)

Goal Areas


Examples: Memorize poetry, learn a new conversation in a different language, improve math grades, complete driver's ed, finish college applications


Examples: Eat more burgers, eat healthier, do 50 jumping jacks every day, hydrate or die-drate, stretch 5 minutes every night, learn to bake a soufflé, climb Mount Monadnock, thoroughly clean bedroom once a week


Examples: Have a movie marathon with a friend, talk to strangers, host a garden party, make a new friend, send a letter every week, call your grandparents monthly, write a thank you note, invite someone to go explore Boston with you


Memorize YW theme, get patriarchal blessing, say better prayers/ explore different prayer formats (poem, letter, 2nd language, song, mediation), read the book of Alma in a month, sit in a quiet beautiful outdoor space and do nothing but observe for more than 30 minutes, journal nightly